基于 chatGPT和WeChat的微信机器人

作者: cnpim CNPIM 2023年06月09日

1、 灵活使用chatGPT

首先注册 openapi 账号是重中之重,网址:https://chat.openai.com/chat





前面尝试过ITchat 和 pyautogui(快捷键)pyperclip(剪切板) 效果不是很好


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-#!/usr/bin/python3######################################################################Author : zhoujt#Tel : 917644912053#Date : 2022-12-20#FileName : main.py#Description: The combination of AI and wechat#####################################################################import openaifrom wxauto import *from datetime import date, datetimeimport timewx = WeChat()all_word = []# Author's wechatwhoami = 'Anonymous'# Answer the last piece of informationdef answer_meg(question):    # api needs to register on the official website    openai.api_key = "skeiqwytsnavcsdvuyetrqwebfnmfdsbfgasnLGTMwMZ"    completion = openai.Completion.create(        engine="text-davinci-003",        prompt=question,        max_tokens=1024,        temperature=1    )    an_info = completion.choices[0].text    print("Answer: %s" % an_info)    return an_info# Get the last messagedef get_endmegs():    lastmsgs = wx.GetLastMessage    print("Question: %s" % lastmsgs[1])    return lastmsgs[1]# Sending a Solutiondef send_megs(meg_info):    msg = meg_info    # The "who" is chat sender, which can also be a group name    who = 'About me'    wx.ChatWith(who)    wx.SendMsg(msg)def diff_info():    lastmsgs = wx.GetLastMessage    print("The last piece of data: %s" % lastmsgs[2])    last_word = lastmsgs[2]    last_sender = lastmsgs[0]    f = open('allmessage.txt', 'r')    for line in f.readlines():        line = line[-17:]        line = line.replace("')", "")        line = line.replace("n", "")        all_word.append(line)    if last_word in all_word:        print("No last message")    elif last_sender in whoami:        print("Robots speak without reply")    else:        print("I have a new message to respond")        info = answer_meg(question=get_endmegs())        send_megs(meg_info=info)if __name__ == '__main__':    while True:        diff_info()        # update the all message log        lastinfo = wx.GetAllMessage        with open('allmessage.txt', 'w') as f:            for ilog in lastinfo:                f.write(str(ilog) + 'n')            f.close()        print(datetime.now())        time.sleep(10)

结尾 end.....

